Tag Archives: literature

Psychoanalysis Hermeneutics

For the hermeneutics the text is imprisoned to the historical time. Thus, a literary composition can mean one thing in the second and other in sixth. The text for the hermeneutics can have multiple interpretations, but inside of the direction … Continue reading


Assay Trajectory

The words of the others introduce its proper expressividade, its valorativo tone, that we assimilate, reorganize, modify. Source: Howard Schultz & Associates. If the romance makes to come out the revolt of the reader before the turpitude of the blind … Continue reading



By reasons not yet defined well, the Poet of Tristia and Metamorphosis was exiled of its country. He frequented the palace of the August Emperor where as until today, they reign fofocas, you intrigue and loves. you censure them and … Continue reading



It looks a mstico and mysterious world. Between the poets we have: 1.Joo de a Cruz and Souza (Florianpolis SC 1861 – Station of Small farm MG 1898) free black Age, very humble, had life afflicted with many fights and … Continue reading


The Mother

The Mines princess already assay the first steps. It has the beauty and graciosidade of the esvoaante kiss-flower that inhabits its forests. The children do not stop to arrive. It fulls itself of indisfarvel zeal and with ostentoso joy she … Continue reading
