For the hermeneutics the text is imprisoned to the historical time. Thus, a literary composition can mean one thing in the second and other in sixth. The text for the hermeneutics can have multiple interpretations, but inside of the direction that the author to allow. The text does not have to be seen to the light of the hermeneutics, therefore it is not for having significaes, mere interpretations, it is for being, to be and to disclose. The theory of the reception is a manifestation of the hermeneutics, however it does not concentrate yourself in workmanships of the past, but it extends a concern with the author, an exclusive one with text and one accented transference of the attention for the reader. The reader, for the theory of the reception, materialize the literary composition, that in same itself does not pass of a chain of organized black marks in a page. This idea, however, does not proceed, therefore the reading is not gradual a linear movement, a mere cumulative question.
We read simultaneously stops backwards and for front, foreseeing and remembering. We read lives, not only words, but if we read words, we read the proper lives that are not linear, nor invariant. It seems that the chains that more are come close of what it is the text are After-estruturalismo and the Psychoanalysis. After-estruturalismo it says in them that: ' ' we do not only apprehend the direction of a phrase accumulating mechanically a word on another one. The text for they is a pluralstico, irreducible interminable game, of significant that they never can finally be apprehended around an only center, an essence or significaes nicas' '. The language, the text is the esvaziamento of proper I, the revelation of mine I and my outridade. As Ceclia Meireles confirms: The revelation of our condition is equally creation of we ourselves.