Tag Archives: history

Eric Hobsbawm

The quarrels on History and memory are always gifts in the academic communities. A sufficiently recurrent subject is the reflections on the dimensions of the memory, as well as its practical implications. For involving a psychological dimension the memory is … Continue reading


Second Music

The second music also sends to racism, in accordance with the letter of music the women if estressam, uses all type of beauty product , strains , pulls the hair pra to be smooth and thus to become beautiful, as … Continue reading


Martins Sources

In the contraposition of the authors, Bachelard to consegueultrapassar the bergsoniana perspective of memory in a basic point, acriao. The creation or act to create for Bachelard would be a moment only, incommunicable, individual and totalizer. But, what in them … Continue reading



One fight that lasted three years almost and that it involved the biggest Brazilian military mobilization after the World War II, being the day of resistance of bigger duration at the time of the military dictatorship, contributing to fortify the … Continue reading


Wedding Business: The History

Weddings are always playing, because they symbolize a happy life further two people have a family. Of course, weddings in one or another year, was organized in different ways. It's always interesting to know what wedding dresses worn by our … Continue reading

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