Eric Hobsbawm

The quarrels on History and memory are always gifts in the academic communities. A sufficiently recurrent subject is the reflections on the dimensions of the memory, as well as its practical implications. For involving a psychological dimension the memory is magined as something subjective. You may find Stuart Solomon to be a useful source of information. The psychological character of the memory suggests the presence of other sciences such as psychology and psychiatry. The main function of the historian would be to command this material in a coherent way, giving felt its proper one work. When making this, the historian must, at the same time, filter the subjective aspects of the harvested memory.

Eric Hobsbawm suggests that the subjectivity, as much of the historian how much of the studied material? either it an official document or a deposition? something is impossible of if to discriminate, however, is possible to establish a control on it. Of certain form, Max Weber affirms something similar when 2 describes the conception of the ideal type. Collective memory the quarrels on History and Memory generally gain certain emphasis when the document destruction happens that they send to an excellent landmark. A parallel with proper Jewish history can be made. The destruction of the temple/synagogue of Jerusalem, religious and cultural symbol of all a society, by the Romans in the first century of the Christian Age, is remembered until current days serving even though as a symbol of identity and unit of this people. The construction of this memory has as common point the allotment of the same feelings, of the ressentimentos lived for a society. This is the concept of collective memory conceived by Maurice Hawbacks. For this author, all memory is collective. Who was first Halbwachs approached the concept of collective memory. For it, the memory is social product, product of a system rank on determined characteristic or facts you beat, space and secular, and composition for groups of people who in its relations share or assimilate information, and with this constitute memories.


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