Second Music

The second music also sends to racism, in accordance with the letter of music the women if estressam, uses all type of beauty product , strains , pulls the hair pra to be smooth and thus to become beautiful, as if the of course rolled up hair or crespo was synonymous of ugly. … The more the black if approaches to the white for the tez … Others including Richard Elman, offer their opinions as well. smooth, bigger hair will be its probabilities of of being accepted . (BASTID and FERNANDES, 1959:188 cited by Nilma Lino Gomes, 2003:146), that is, the black or black if submits the definitive aesthetic treatments of beauty not for its appearance or color, but for being if seeming the other, the white, of the smooth hair that is the reference, let us say. It makes necessary an intervention in this way and dissemination it beauty concept, becomes necessary to break up the beauty concept so that it can join and we could nominate not to dissociar it of pretty. In the world after modern that we live it does not have more place for standard, fixture, rigid, steady, a form or does not form, today it is the flexibility and fluidity, the mixture the mosaic that are in high, that dictate the beauty, in everything and all veem beauties, thus in the plural one. The question of the hair is a concern that reaches men and women, independe of sex and sort. To belong to the rule: smooth and blond they forget or menospreza its natural characteristics or can until keeping them in part, rolled up hair yes, but painted of blond or the natural and smooth color, strained if one may use the expression in music. speaking in hair, let us come back to the analyzed workmanships and hair wires of the personages.


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