The ABC Analysis

A very useful tool in the enterprise management is the ABC analysis, described by the economist and Italian sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (although it was born in Paris, to the being son of a exiled nobleman). By the same author: John Utendahl. As it was enunciated by him, it now acquires the present time it applied since it to sociology, observing that approximately 20% of the population owned 80% of the wealth, and 80% rest owned 20% solely. Although evidently are approximated percentage, this principle of the 80-20 that can be used in very diverse analyses, and actually one is fulfilled reasonably in many of them. For example, if the invoicing of a company is analyzed, and the clients become ordained themselves from largest to smallest invoicing, can be observed that approximately 80% of the sales come from 20% of the clients (I repeat that they are approximate numbers, that will vary according to the companies, the sector to which belong, et cetera, the important thing of this analysis is to make see that a great part of the volume of the sales depends on few clients, and who by opposite many clients contribute little in amount). This first of all, has several implications, that the company will have to deliver a greater commercial attack with its important clients, with To, since on them the invoicing depends (later I will analyze the subject of the benefit). But in relation to this, also we must have special well-taken care of in which our sales do not depend in excess of a reduced number of clients, since if some goes away to us, it will cause a great damage to us (that is to say, it is not just like 80% of our sales depend on twenty clients or only three). To the previous analysis, it would be necessary to add the applied ABC to the benefit, according to which approximately 80% of to our we obtain them benefits from a reduced group of clients, whom they do not have why to agree with those of more sales. . .


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