Final Credits

Yesterday completed one of the most interesting companies in all the time that I play in the strategy. Trek game ever thought about a few things: 1) Why is this game for so long been doing? 2) How this whole world can be expressed in the format of the book? 3) When I download a pirated version of the game, then play a bit, I wonder: would I buy this game? Answers: 1) My response may seem strange to you, but it is – the bureaucracy! Who had the strength to watch the final credits, at least Accelerated scrolling understand what I mean. I was shocked – there are thousands of names! Immediately it occurred to the comparison with cinema blockbusters. And you know what is most interesting? It turns out the budget game, according to the magazine Wall Street Journal, made 100 million dollars! Now let us compare with another StarCraft game that do the same for a long time, but the efforts of only three dozen people! I'm talking about the game Stalker! Different game, and weight category, but look the same result – the adoration public in one case achieved little effort, and in another enormous. Just remember rule Pareto 20/80 2) looked at the little book, in StarCraft. For this universe, there are a dozen novels, comics and a few other okololiteraturnogo creativity. (What's the most interesting thing in the same universe Command & Conquer in the asset is only one book Tiberium Wars by Keith RA Decandido).

Personally, for myself, I found the answer to my question – there are authors who can move this universe to the paper. 3) I would not buy it. As I said below, the values for the genre in this game no online play I will not, and once held company – has no desire (whether it occurs at all?). Starcraft world is hostile to me, I make war there, travel and do not want to linger. Another matter was with the game Stalker, where after a pirated version, I bought a license disk. Such cases can be counted on the fingers. Personally, I do not want to buy those games that few field would like to remove all hours. So I prefer to download games from the internet, play and delete (a modern version Demo version).

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