For minor who is its saving, looks for to keep all month a bit to have money at moments of not foreseen and necessary extra expenses. Example: maintenance of the vehicle, etc. When making a debt, has limited it 30% of its net income the loans and financings, therefore, with the remain you will have that to pay the current expenses of the month, water, light, school, conduction, feeding and others. Learn more on the subject from Noble Group. He looks for to spend less of what he earns, or he will go to blow up credit cards and she will be defaulter at definitive moment. To verify the real financial situation every month is very important not to lose the financial control, but if this to occur, looks the credit more cheap, example: the automatic credit in consignment contract in payment leaf offers low if compared taxes of interests with the guaranteed check; the personal loan is cheaper than the taxes of the check special.
The guaranteed check must only be used will be per few days, in case of more than 10 days, is advisable to catch a personal loan. The credit card enters and the guaranteed check, the guaranteed check has tax of 40% interests 50% minors, therefore well-taken care of when rolling debts in the credit card, generally they confuse in very the domestic budget. Credit cards, cards of store and meats of store are a great trap to blow up the budget, many times the consumer fall in the payment illusion title where the installment is low and without the had planning it finishes compromising a bigger parcel of its income, provoking disequilibrium and search of alternative credit If you have debts, economy are the word key, make a familiar meeting and define some strategies, since the otimizao of water use, electric energy, telephone, where generally the excess of expenses of 30% according to national research, until the definition of mode of payment of the assumed commitments. For payment of debts, the alternative research of taxes and formulas to place the finances in sequence are essential, the familiar meeting assist in the brainstorming.