Objetividade Objetividade is the quality of what he is objective, external to the conscience, resulted of impartial, independent comment of the individual preferences. In epistemologia, the objetividade concept characterizes the validity of a knowledge or a relative representation to an object. In other words, what it is real and as we know if is true what we infer regarding the reality? This depends, on the other hand, of the concept of the white object of the attention and, for another one, of the proper normative rules of the area in question. Thus, of the epistemolgico point of view, the objetividade is not synonymous of truth, either even so common to confuse the two concepts, but yes a species of ' ' reliable index ' ' or of ' ' qualidade' ' of the knowledge and representations. Also he is not synonymous of allegiance to the object or to the reality, although the term very to be used with this meaning, because the normative rules that allow to distinguish what he is objective of what it is not are defined, in each context, for the community of members specialized in the subject.
Still in the field of the philosophy, Kant presents the objetividade as something that has universal validity, independently of religion, culture, time or place. In this context, its counterpart is the relativismo. In the field of science, objetividade is the property of scientific theories to establish unequivocal affirmations that can be tested independently of the scientists had considered who them. Directly it is related to the attribute of the scientific experiments of that it must be possible reproduziz them. To be considered objective, a theory, hypothesis, assertion or proposal must be passvel of being transmitted of a person for other, demonstrvel for third, as well as representing an advance in the agreement of the real world. In the field of the journalism, objetividade is an attribute of a final text.