Civil Construction

LOGISTIC IN CIVIL INDUSTRY DACONSTRUO Fabiana Medeiros de Arajo fabiana-medeiros@ Gilvando Da Silva Cross Jonas Pear tree Rasp jonas.pereira@ FAMATEC- College of business-oriented Environment and Technology Orienting Professor MSc. Mac Cartaxo SUMMARY This research is based on a theoretician-bibliographical referencial and presents as central subject the study of the logistic one in the civil construction and has as objective generality to analyze the specific objective and CIVILSAN effectiveness logistic in SERVENG s.a.: To describe the logistic process of the company SERVENG CIVILSAN s.a.; To analyze the possibility of reduction of losses of materials in virtue of the adoption of the logistic principles in the industry of the civil construction; To identify the possibility of formation of strategical partnerships with suppliers; To describe the impact of the rigorous and continuous logistic control for the efficiency of the logistic one in SERVENG CIVILSAN s.a.; To describe the advantages and disadvantages of the process logistic in the industry of the civil construction and To show the importance of the logistic one in the industry of the civil construction. In the theoretical landmark the following subjects had been boarded: Logistic; Logistic in the industry of the civil construction; Logistic and suppliment chain in the industry of the civil construction; Used logistic processes in the industry of the civil construction; The advantages and disadvantages of the logistic one in the industry of the civil construction. How much to the methodology, the chosen type of research was the qualitative research, how much to the ends descriptive and how much to the ways a research carried through through bibliographical data occurred and documentary. The collection of data was carried through by means of a structuralized interview, for the criterion of accessibility and experience in the sector that of selective form had been chosen 4 (four) collaborating ones with management positions. The analysis of data was carried through through content analysis, in which the results point with respect to applied effectiveness of the logistic one to the industry of the civil construction mainly in what it inside refers to the operational activities of the constructive system as suppliment of materials, components and services, storage and the process of materials as improvement of the flow of production in the workmanships.


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