Tag Archives: environment

Coordenadoria Reserve

This motivated the extension of stated period for the producers that still need to regularize its property. The requirement of the market in requiring that all the country properties are permitted and ambiently regularized, also possessing green stamp, has influenced … Continue reading


Museum Emilio Goeldi

It has twenty years the sociedadebrasileira more than and the International took knowledge of the elaboradodurante plain nonsense the military government to install six great hydroelectric plants in the river Xingu, and, in dawn of the democratic system, it obtained … Continue reading


Legal City

The clear vision of the magnitude of social and economic, urban and ambient the problems existing in the areas of occupations, the scarcity of the public resources, the necessity of if establishing partnerships (local, national and international), justifies the use … Continue reading


National Advice

As authors below, the quantitative analysis is: ' ' As extensive quantitative is more easily ordenvel, over all measurable, cientfico&#039 is preferred by the method; ' (DEMON, 2001, P. 17). According to Snedecor and Cochran (1967), the statistics it deals … Continue reading
