Has in modern youth a true identification with such way of idealized life. They are not if worrying about the Brazilian reality, with the formation of the family, with the social practical responsibilities and. The quarrels and actions on this question have deserved bigger attention on the part in such a way of the State as of the society since that the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent was approved. Thus the data-collecting on the situation where if they find the children and adolescents in street condition, goes in giving a support to understand this problematic one to them. OBJECTIVES Objective General.
To investigate as if of the performance of the professionals of Psychology and others in the area of term of office, searching its historical origin and in the politics you publish that they deal with children and adolescents in condition of street in special in the CREAS of Juazeiro of the North. Specific objectives. Through interviews with the professionals in the area of psychology and others, we will look for to know as if it develops the social projects with intentions to deal with children and adolescents in condition of Street in the CREAS of Juazeiro of the North. To know the performance of the social manager in institution CREAS in Juazeiro of the North. To make a survey of the social reality of the Juazeiro of the North front to the problem, children and adolescents in street condition. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL Soon Historical Term of office the deriving model of traditional and public private administration of the hierarquizao opposes the model of social actors, thus to the term of office appears as innovative in the processes of the politics you publish being that term of office finished suffering, in its proper dynamics of construction, a process of inversion of index meanings, passing the icon: in place to indicate a set of experiences that if opposed the traditional models of management, it starts to represent same itself (BOULLOSA; SCHOMMER, 2008).