Management Currently

Therefore, it is necessary to place of side divergences and to look for to have a more positive attitude. 2,4 Management Currently manager not is only executive, but all professional apt to make management notable, that is that one that leads the people, adequately, to reach organizacionais objectives, focusing the efficiency and the effectiveness. It is basic that the manager knows the functions of the administration that are: to plan, to organize, to control and to lead. Having knowledge it is more easy to place them in practical, being able to make an evaluation if they are being correctly applied and to have conscience of its weak points, those that make it difficult the development of the functions. In the modern organizations, any professional can be considered a manager if, in virtue of its position and the knowledge, she will be responsible for a contribution that affects the capacity of the organization, of work and to get resulted (MOREIRA; RABBIT; PINE, 1997, p.13).

For Amorim (2005, p.49) ‘ ‘ the executives are in the company for two reasons only: _ to make the thing happen and to create and keep a climate where the other can have success personal and profissional’ ‘. Although not to exist a managemental personality, some characteristics tend if to detach with bigger evidence. The necessary professional of secretaryship to develop these characteristics and to win the obstacles to facilitate the taking of decisions. He is pertinent to more tell the observed characteristics: objetividade, intelligence, authority, responsibility, stability, interpersonal relationship, systematic vision of the organization, flexibility, capacity to organize, to plan, to lead, to control and to solve. 2,5 Creativity and Innovation the creativity is this.


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