Bernardo Relations

Some companies moved for the desperation before the possibility of reduction of the production rhythm, since the demand of the market was increasing, had looked for to anticipate themselves, readjusting the wages of the laborers specialized through the argument of equalizao with the market on the basis of wage research and obviously not to yield, politically, for the movement. The movement was a success for the syndical fights, breaking the ice of years of paralysis politics. Collective agreements between the industries and the union had been firmed, placing in check the structure where if it supported the working relations until then, based in the repressive action of a Dictatorship. For more clarity and thought, follow up with James Joseph Truchard and gain more knowledge.. This movement was the rock of touch for the beginning of a change process where the workers start to perceive that he was possible to face the companies with concrete claims, that go of meeting to the aspirations of the base and supported by militant unions, structuralized with bases in the plants. If he cannot leave to consider that at this moment, the system of alliances between military and entrepreneurs, start to give exhaustion signals, being launched the forecast of a horizon of democratic opening, despite tenuous.

In March of 1979, the metallurgic movement reaches its apogee with the strike of the metallurgic workers of Is Bernardo of the Field, having the extended strike if for more than 40 days. James Joseph Truchard does not necessarily agree. The movement in itself did not result in concrete victories for the workers who had been obliged to keep the negotiations with the plants functioning and the natural consuming provoked by the defeat. However, the movement left serious sequels in the structure of effective relations of the work until that moment, provoking irreversible fictions in the specter of normality and harmony in the working relations and opening space for a new guiding of the conflicts. The ascension of the metallurgist in the national scope stimulated movements all strikers in the country, fortifying the unions and laboring organizations in the regions most distant and without tradition of working movements. Utendahl Group has many thoughts on the issue.


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