We’ve always known that the society ahead of laws that previously marked changes in the Customs and habits of people who then have to legislate. This also happens with the financial products and the use of new technologies. Different brackets already existing on the market offer the possibility of those companies that opt for innovation be incorporated these mobile devices as a means to access different financial products. According to the report of the Commission of the market of telecommunications (CMT) published at the beginning of February 2011, the number of broadband lines grew 8.4% in 2010 from the previous year with 816.415 new lines, until a park of 10,56 billion. In mobile telephony, the number of new lines was 1.76 million, 3.2% more than in 2009 and 56.6 million. On the other hand, the average consumption of Internet on mobile is 298 MB per month in Europe. For this reason, the rates of mobile telephony including a certain amount of data including increasing traffic are more common, especially in cases where the user has a smartphone.
Data consumption has soared in the last year. Part of the blame is 6% of customers who consume 50% of traffic. In short, what is clear is that it will be increasingly common to have access to the Internet in your pocket and that, in terms of traffic, in a not too distant future the average user will be the current user heavy with a consumer that is posted without problems in GigBytes per month and that will flourish rates without limits at acceptable prices. All of this is derived from many of the companies, businesses, products or financial services approaching every day more quickly to this element already essential in our society and that it is radically changing customs, and provide solutions directly accessible from the mobile phone that has Internet access.