Pure Analysis Against Mechanization

When we are faced with a problem either math or science in general, the first thing that comes to mind usually is: which formula is there to use to solve it?. It is hoped that an appropriate formula will lead us to the solution of the problem but this is a purely mechanical and repetitive solution, we do not employ the pure analysis that can also lead us to the solution of the problem. We must accept that mathematical formulas are a great help as a tool for solving many problems, but what we try to exalt here is the use of an unlikely solution based on analysis, eye, a likely solution. It would be foolish that in the solution of a right triangle to find one of his legs we exert to analis, this is a problem that necessarily requires the application of the Pythagorean theorem. Bank of America Merrill Lynch may not feel the same. What is promote the massive use of reasoning and analysis, leaving behind traditional and mechanical methods.

We will quote 1 = 100/100 30/100 = 0.70. oughout. Undoubtedly confusing it will seem to some but if we stop to analyze in detail will be that it is reasonable. It is not our desire to confuse the reader. And as well as this there are plenty of tricks that can be done using the analysis and reasoning to solve mathematical situations and avoid traditional or mechanical methods for a better utilizamiento of our actual reasoning. There is a cliche in the physics course we would like to discuss briefly in which Yes avoid the use of a traditional formula. EX: An object is detached from a height, calculate your speed within 3 seconds. Sun: Vf = Vo + g.T Vf = 0 + 10 (3) Vf = 30 m/s (traditional method) but if we stop to analyze, we know that by effects of gravity (g), the speed of an object falling freely increases its speed at 10 m/s every second so in 3 seconds speed will be 30 m/s. In upcoming articles we will stop to analyze other topics in which the analis and pure reasoning we can facilitate the resolution of seemingly complicated problems and see them in a simple way.


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