Once as we have sponsored our group in our MLM business, whether one, two or more people, we must begin their training and monitoring, especially if they are inexperienced, I will present five basic aspects that a good sponsor or sponsor must have. 1st Sponsor assumes the leadership role. This must be communicative and flexible, it is not about making friends, we are to do business, the sponsor should be cordial, but should not fall into the trap of believing that you have a group of friends, are not affiliated friends, that comes with time and long-term relationships, which provides a good leader with his work. First of all you must have a firm and responsible attitude, their example will help the rest of the group performed. The sponsors did not do what your sponsor tells you to do, but do what your sponsor does.
So a good sponsor should lead by example. 2nd sponsor should not waste time. With prospects who show a lack of interest and help if they do, to dedicate the necessary time, though some are loath sponsored more than others, as not all are equal. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Kevin Johnson. Although what counts here, as mentioned, is the attitude, providing the proper motivation and learning sponsored acquires the necessary experience. 3rd A great leader is a great person but also a great communicator. Communication with your group is very important, we must teach new and be in regular contact with them, some have already acquired some experience before in MLM Business, but there are others that this is your first time, the latter will be necessary to further attention and provide him all the help they need, then up to them to devote time to business. Success in business will come in proportion to that commitment, not the fault of the sponsor that the sponsor will not be successful, if the sponsor has helped him and the sponsor will not develop what you learn, is the fault of the latter, why not acquire and experience and can not evolve.
4th A good sponsor is not always the most comfortable. Why we should not frustrate or angry when our sponsor requires us more of ourselves and tell us where we fail and why they fail. It is your duty not to forget. The long-term success is the goal to achieve, the sponsor works for a day to get leverage in the business, delegating responsibilities in your group and create tomorrow’s leaders. 5th Never cease training. There are leaders who take over ten years in the MLM industry and continue lifelong learning, constantly learning new things, exchange ideas with other leaders, read books, attended lectures, courses etc exchanged. A good leader should dump their knowledge, both those who already own such as those acquired with their learning, providing the most value about your group, and this is to make the most of it depends on your success in MLM.