Tag Archives: education

Global Warming

Most Russiansbelieve global warming is a reality Most Russians believe global warming on the planet a reality, according to a survey carried out by sociologists Fund ‘Public opinion’. According to the study, “two thirds of respondents (67%) believe that in … Continue reading

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The Marketing Products

The affiliate marketing is an agreement between a retailer in line owner of a product or service, and another person (Affiliate) that decides to represent and to sell products of this person in exchange for a commission by generated sales, … Continue reading



License – a document confirming the right of high school for educational activities. License issued by the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation (Art. 24, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Federal Law of 13.01.96 N 12-FZ, art. 10, … Continue reading



This proposal sends to the question that the pertaining to school institution argues and the speech obligatorily that guides the relations between professor and pupil, understood as action of different subjetividades. The speech would be, at last, only resulted of … Continue reading


Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana

Note that he has neglected, that management is a significant, decisive actor in the conduct of the company in the integration and management of working groups that guarantee productivity, they are, precisely, managers who should dictate guidelines, start-up plans, strategies … Continue reading

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To all buy the necessary material for the development of the project. To go until the foundation to know the children and to explain for they what ‘ is the project; ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ , its purpose … Continue reading
