This proposal sends to the question that the pertaining to school institution argues and the speech obligatorily that guides the relations between professor and pupil, understood as action of different subjetividades. The speech would be, at last, only resulted of produced enunciated appropriations of the social instituted one and the repetitive use of already in different historical and sociocultural circumstances. Thus, the citizen is submitted, perpassado or interpellated for the ideology and, therefore, it is assujeitado. From there it can be affirmed that the reading of a text is not only, closed; for the opposite, ample and it is opened, making possible, thus, different interpretations. Ahead of this, it can be said that the proposal of the Analysis of the Speech has as teses basic the social and active character of the conscientious life and the unit between the thought and the action and the object and the citizen, what it considers the necessity of if working aiming at to a totality of what it is stipulated to call ' ' conditions of produo' '. In other terms, according to this proposal, nor the parts excuse the totality, nor this dismissal the parts. All and part walk together. Such proposal must be based in some teses that will be taken ahead, but that they can be summarized, basically, in colon: the function of the language is not scrumbled to the communication; does not have speech without language nor language without speech, since it does not have event without citizen nor acts it are of the event with free citizen, without assujeitamento.
Therefore, all speech is product and process of the language. In other terms, this proposal represents a differentiation between description, interpretation and understanding. This wants to say that it has a description moment, that supplies elements an interpretation, that in turn inside suggests an understanding of the text of a partner-historical situation.