
License – a document confirming the right of high school for educational activities. License issued by the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation (Art. 24, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Federal Law of 13.01.96 N 12-FZ, art. 10, the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” from 22.08.96 125-FZ). Branches of higher education institutions are independently licensed (Section 8, the Federal Law ‘On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education “from 22.08.96 125-FZ). The license is issued based on the conclusion of the expert commission, which sets the conditions for compliance with state requirements implementation of the educational process in terms of building codes, sanitation and hygiene, health students, equipment, training facilities, equipment of the educational process, educational qualifications of teachers and staff resources. The license control standards are fixed, the maximum size of the contingent of students and the validity of the license (Article 33, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education “at the Federal Law of 13.01.96 12-FZ).

Certificate of state accreditation of the university confirms the level of ongoing education programs (higher vocational education), compliance content and quality of graduates from accredited programs requirements of state educational standards, the right to grant graduates of state approved the relevant level of education, ie constant control over the quality of educational services provided by law only in accredited higher education institutions (Art. 33, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in the Federal Law of 13.01.96 12-FL). Universities accredited for a period of not more than 5 years. Certificate of state accreditation of the university without the application invalid. In the annex to the certificate specified accredited programs at all levels of education, implemented by the university, as well as level of education qualification (degree) to be assigned to graduate, the name and location of branches, a list of accredited programs in each location. Introduction applicant with a certificate of state accreditation of the selected area of training them (specialty) or the absence of such a certificate be recorded in the receiving documents and certified by the applicant’s signature.

In no event should not be confused licensing and accreditation of the university – not the same thing! State educational institution status (already licensed!) Takes only after its state accreditation, which is carried out federal management of higher professional education and a certificate. Since then, becomes an educational institution the right to grant its students a state approved education relevant to national symbols of the Russian Federation. A non-governmental and community colleges, non-state accreditation, issued a document on higher education, which the state is not. Entrants-boys should pay attention to the fact that, in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and military service ‘full-time in private universities that do not have state accreditation is not granted a deferment from military service. Private universities are obliged to advise on the availability of incoming license and national accreditation. However, the responsibilities are not always enforced. Therefore, applicants must themselves take the initiative and interest in the presence of licensing and accreditation of higher education in selected institutions.


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