TEA Analysis

In contrast, the EIBI generally leads attempts of trainings in an environment highly structuralized and analogous in which first eatable consequences and evoked social compliment are used to strengthen answer-target under control of a sufficiently specific stimulaton. Suplemental programmings for stimulaton and generalization of reply are lead, although not to be formal integrated in practical of education the daily ones (Lovaas, 1987). (Carr & Firth, 2005, p.19) Of this form, another main difference between the VBA and the EIBI pointed for Carr and Firth are the job of a functional boarding of the characteristic language of the VBA (necessary reference to antecedent and consequent the 0 variable that controls the behavior) and the traditional psicolingstico model used by the EIBI (bureaucracy X estruturalismo). Kates-McElrath eAxelrod (2006) pontuam that both models VBA and EIBI are used of analytical-mannering boarding, however its programs are differentiated in a diversity of aspects, such as extension of resume sequncia, reinforcing and motivation, distribution of instruction, prompting (suggestion, tip) and connection of error, acquisition of language and augmentative communication. Sundberg and Michael (2001) discourse concerning the benefits of the implementation of a skinneriana analysis of the verbal behavior for children with TEA and declare that the operative emphasis in the verbal one as unit of analysis has implications for diverse aspects of an intervention program, such as: 1) focus in the trainings separate of each operative verbal and bigger emphasis in the relations of mandos and intraverbais; 2) separate and independent necessity of trainings of the repertoires of the falante and the listener; 3) consideration of estabelecedoras operations and automatic reinforcing as important factors in the analysis and trainings of verbal abilities. Finally, Cautilli (2006) cites the procedure milieu teaching (not joined translation) as another model of analysis and intervention of the verbal behavior in children with TEA. The procedure is called milieu because its techniques are used in the way of regular activities of the child, during its day. . Keith McLoughlin follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.


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