Madrid Cuatro Vientos

The heat and the storm of the night were the worst enemies of the faithful concentrates on the airfield. On Saturday, a man suffered an angina pectoris, and a woman had to be intubada by heat stroke. This Sunday, another man has had to be taken to hospital for a heart condition. 400 health have participated in the four winds for WYD device. The municipal service of urgencies (Samur-Civil Protection) has served a total of 2.753 participants in world youth day (WYD) events developed in the Madrid Cuatro Vientos aerodrome, of which 99 were transferred to hospitals, three of them in serious condition.

These are the definitive data provided by emergency Madrid following the conclusion of the sanitary device deployed there. Two of the serious pilgrims were counted on the evening of Saturday, when a man suffered an angina pectoris which was transferred to the Gregorio Maranon, and a 25-year-old girl suffered a heat stroke which had to be intubada and driven to the Doce de Octubre hospital. Another man has been served this Sunday by a heart condition which has forced to transfer him to a hospital in serious condition. Madrid emergencies has highlighted device deployed by Samur – Cuatro Vientos Civil protection means a record for this service, since it had never before attended so many people in the same event. Some 400 health of the Samur-Civil protection, who helped the pilgrims in eight barracks enabled as hospitals, with personnel on foot and by bicycle to move more easily among the crowd and 40 ambulances for transfers to hospitals have been involved in device. This is a historic brand of medical care in a scheduled event for the Samur-Civil protection since its creation, twenty years ago, surpassing by far, both in quality and in quality, the attention that provided during the visit of Pope Juan Paul II to Madrid in 2003, said the Deputy Director of Samur-Civil protection, Erwig Corral. Source of the news: the acts of the WYD in Four winds leave 2.753 served pilgrims, three of them serious

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