Varietal willows do not like transplanting when they are already big. Buy them can only be closed with the root. Elder Roseum – Viburnum opulus Roseum shrub or small tree. Height and crown diameter of 4 m. Crohn shirokoraskidistaya. Annual growth in height and width of 30 cm length of life for over 50 years.
Leaves 8-12 cm long 3-5-lobed dark green and yellow in autumn, orange, red. Blooming in late May and June, flowers are sterile white collected in small corymbose inflorescences to 10 cm in diameter is used in single crop in groups, hedges. It prefers fertile soils. Not tolerate waterlogged. Hardy, but sometimes freeze slightly ends young shoots. Dummer cotoneaster – Cotoneaster dammeri natural area of distribution of shrub cotoneaster Dummer (Cotoneaster dammeri) – Central China region, where the plant is found in the mountains to an altitude of 2000 m in the moorland and rocky ground. Cotoneaster Dummer is an evergreen shrub 10-20 cm tall, with creeping rooting branches. The leaves of the bush elliptical (1,8-3 X 0,7-1,5 cm), dark green, blooming in late April.
Flowering shrub Cotoneaster Dummer single or paired flowers white. Flower size reaches 8-10 mm in diameter. Flowering period – May – June. The fruits of cotoneaster Dummer bright red, almost spherical (6-7 mm in diameter), mature in October. Vegetatively propagated by bush – layering, cuttings and seed propagation method after a 2-month stratification. Cotoneaster Dummer has kind of rooting (Cotoneaster dammeri var. Radicans) – shrub with a more glossy and wide, often emarginate at the apex with leaves, the longer shanks and stalks. In ornamental horticulture, this beautiful ground cover shrub grown in moist, well-lit soil. It is recommended to create a rock garden, as well as for free groups on the lawns. Pressed cotoneaster – Cotoneaster adpressus native to western China. Diminutive, creeping shrub with small, up to 1.5 cm long, dull green leaves on ascending branches above ground. At the time of flowering it is decorated with numerous pink flowers in autumn crown comes over patches of bright red fruit. Very effective in single and group plantings on rocky hills. Recommended for southern and western regions of the European part of Russia. In the culture since 1896. Cotoneaster wrack – Cotoneaster bullatus Shrub with dome-shaped crown, reaching 3 m height. Leaves are large dark green, finely crimped. The flowers are pinkish, collected by 3-7, in V. Numerous fruits are bright red, round, decorative autumn and winter. Grows well in any fertile garden soil. Suitable for tapestries, single and group plantings.