Impossible Marriages

The absence of mutual consent to the marriage requirement of free consent to marriage is so essential to its validity, or rather assume that it is not just a condition, and the creative reason of marriage. That ensure freedom of marriage, in itself rank wedding and the bride and groom being asked whether they wish to freely enter into marriage, and in case of an application by one of the spouses of reluctance to do this wedding should be stopped. In view of the importance of free consent is not recognized as valid marriages performed under duress, and those marriages, at the conclusion that there were fraud or error in the face of one of the spouses. Age at marriage of the spouses requires the ability to marital cohabitation, which is determined primarily by age.

In Russia, by decree of the Holy Synod of December 17, 1774 was determined to marry men not earlier than 15 years, and women – not above 13, and in 1830 imperial decree prohibited to marry marriage, if the groom is not 18, and bride of 16 years. This rule is guided by the Church to this day. On the other hand, the goals of marriage and contrary to extreme old age, and the church with its side always looked disapprovingly at marriages elderly. In the church practice that has evolved over the past 300 years and is guided in this matter to the instruction of Patriarch Adrian, fixed definition Holy Synod in 1744, did not marry those who are married, with more than 80 years of age.

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