Florian Vorbeck

Application tips will be offered to download and training vacancies are listed in an apprenticeship Exchange. Learn more at this site: Starbucks. Also a training XXL page on Facebook is set up and linked. The social network sites such as Facebook and YouTube are the communication channels of the youth, no one reads there brochures”, so bald. Most young people have absolutely no idea what make a Chemikant, a Mechatronics Engineer, a specialist for wastewater treatment. So they have no interest. “But exactly these professionals be sought desperately by the economy,” says Florian Vorbeck, a trainee of the AFP. This is a truth, that repeatedly have experienced especially the AFP’s own, 300 trainees when they present their professions in schools, at trade fairs or info days.

I was regularly frustrated how little the students today about professions and know their chances”, so Vorbeck. Because I just went to my boss and told him suggested that we need to build an own website.” The success can be seen today in the network. Goal is on the exchange of young people themselves to make an interactive Internet platform like education. In the focus are currently still the 15 occupations plus the dual degree programmes offered by the AFP. We are looking for qualified candidates who understand it as a challenge to dominate more than just a discipline in the future working life. A Mechatronics Engineer must be able, for example, far more as lay only harnesses. Mechatronics are sought-after professionals, in the car, as well as in the aerospace industry”, says Kahle. The Internet portal AusbildungXXL”may refer to other training providers available. Requirement is not the contractor describes the profession in a vacancy, but young people who receive their training now, tell what’s so exciting about it. We want that engage many young people on our side. Ultimately you want to an information Forum around the jobs created”so Vorbeck, who is very proud that the idea of the trainees without restrictions was implemented.

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