Tag Archives: credit

Plan Of Action

A good plan of action to lose weight will be similar to the following one: Pngalo in writing: The main reason to increase of weight is to eat too much: From now on I will eat less and less and … Continue reading


The Magnitude

O-Men women elijen generally who tell on love the life, which they have a sense of property, that she pleases the world to them and that they are simple and refinings, authentic. But the passage of time, always finishes being … Continue reading


Pregnancy Exercises

So that an pregnant woman has an optimal gestation and later lighting are very importate that during the 9 months of its pregnancy realises diverse classes and types of exercises, like the abdominal exercises for, constant muscular streching and, of … Continue reading


Long Live The Republic

To read the second part Ernesto Sbato: The cultural process is a process of domestication that cannot be carried out without revolt on the part of the nature animal, anxious for freedom. When in some corner of Colombia or of … Continue reading
