Museum Emilio Goeldi

It has twenty years the sociedadebrasileira more than and the International took knowledge of the elaboradodurante plain nonsense the military government to install six great hydroelectric plants in the river Xingu, and, in dawn of the democratic system, it obtained to react to hinder that essedesastre occurred, and the project was embedded. Altamira was carried through (Par), the I Meeting of the Aboriginal Peoples of the Xingu, that congregated three milpessoas, being that 650 were indians who had shown its dissatisfaction with non-political of construction of barrages in the River Xingu. The first one, of a complex decinco hydroelectric plants planned for the Eletronorte, would be Karara, more tarderebatizada Beautiful Mount. In accordance with the chieftain Paulinho Paiakan, eorganizador leader kaiap of the event to the side of other leaderships as Raoni, Ailton Krenak eMarcos Terena, the manifestation intended to place an end point to the decisestomadas ones in the Amaznia without the participation of indians. Protestoclaro against the construction of hydroelectric plants in the region was about one. The I Meeting of the Aboriginal Peoples was oresultado of a long process of initiated preparation one year before, in janeirode 1988, later that the researcher Darrel Posey, of the Museum Emilio Goeldi of Par, and the indians kaiap Paulinho Paiakan and Kuben-I had participated of seminary nUniversidade of the Flrida, in which had denounced that the World Bank (BIRD) liberates financings to construct a complex of hydroelectric plants in the RioXingu without consulting the indians. In 2008, 19 years later, the Encontrodos was also become fullfilled in Altamira II Aboriginal Peoples of the Xingu of where the meeting appeared Alive the Xingu Movement forever. was marked for the gesture of warning of the indian kaiap Tura, the face of then the managing of the Eletronorte, JosAntnio Muniz Lopes quetocou with the blade of its machete, by the way president of state during the government the Fernando HenriqueCardoso..


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