In the contraposition of the authors, Bachelard to consegueultrapassar the bergsoniana perspective of memory in a basic point, acriao. The creation or act to create for Bachelard would be a moment only, incommunicable, individual and totalizer. But, what in them it seems insoluble paraos authors cited here is as they appear or as ‘ ‘ brotam’ ‘ the images, ecomo these are selected in our brain. To unmask the memory of a deponent would be as in colocBachelard, a lock that if becomes one I appeal to the arrombador. To work commemria means to perhaps enter in the incommunicable field of and the full one of metaphors, therefore the subjectivity or the essence never will be reached.
Then diantede is placed we an impasse, how to study ondeos a black territory inside of Porto Alegre certifications that remain in them are rescued through verbal history? The analysis and the debate of the two workmanships (of Bergson and Bachelard) in them make possible a bigger questioning of our paper of historian, emrelao to the sources that we make use. To rethink the method and the same use of como cmodo of oak, never we will know what really it has inside, mastalvez in them we will surprise many times as its content. BIBLIOGRAPHY BACHELARD, Gaston. In: The Thinkers. So Paulo: Cultural April, 1976. BERGSON, Henri. Substance and Memory. Assay on relaodo body with the spirit.
So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1990. DELEUZE, Gilles. Conversations. Rio De Janeiro: Ed.34, 1992. KRAWCZYK, Flavio, FULL BROTHER, Iris and POSSAMAI, Zita. Carnavaisde Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre, City department of the Culture, 1992. 1 Henri Bergson (1859-1941), philosopher. 2 Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) philosopher. 3 Adam. of Oliveira known as Lel, he was primeiroRei elect black Momo in 1947, being suatrajetriaimportante for ocarnaval dacidade of Porto Alegre /RS. 4 the Areal of the Baroness is the place where currently apraa Cnego Marcelino is placed, and the streets Baroness of the Gravata, lesser Baron of the Gravata, Cel. Andres Belo and Miguel Teixeira, and some transversal lines, in the region dCidade Low and Boy God. It was an extensive land area that belonged Baronesa of the Gravathay, that kept a mansion in middle of famous the XIX.Ficou century there for its carnival and sheltering a population majoritariamentenegra in the end of century XIX and throughout century XX. Currently the area estsendo recognized as one of the urban quilombos of Porto Alegre. 5 For Gilles Deleuze, that shares of same idiasde Bergson, and says that ‘ ‘ Bergson without still knowing the cinema, detaches basic oconceito of image-movement, with its three forms main-image-perception, image-action, image-afeco’ ‘.