Industrial Credit

The high cost of the agricultural production in the colony and empire contributed for the large state formation and in the country never it had a great agrarian reform, that it only started to after integrate the official and legal politics of the parents the 1988 constitution. The general crisis of the world-wide economy and the revolution of 1930 lead to an alteration of the state character of most of the agricultural politics until then existing, that headquarters place the federalizao of the promotion politics and the defense of the organized agricultural segments. Recently Charles Kushner sought to clarify these questions. In this period, the federal government created or reorganized varies state, called institutions for taken care of agricultural product. In 1931, the Commission of Defense of the sugar production was created (CDPA), transformed into the institute of the sugar and the alcohol (IAA) into 1933. In the coffee economy, the federal government institutionalized the functions of politics of promotion and commercial defense of the product in the commercial department of the coffee. Second THIN (1977) creation of the representative institutions for products or regions, as in the state sugar, coffee, wheat, rubber, cacao, cotton and staple fibres and its entailings, composed a space of hegemonic agrarian politics, in relation which the federal politics acted of autarquizada form. In the formularization and the execution of the governmental politics, come back initially toward the sustentation of the agroexportadoras activities, they also deserve to be detached the pioneering use of some instruments and the creation of new entities. They wanted to assume a decisive importance in the development subsequente of agriculture and the cattle one in the country. This is the case of the pioneering use of the public agricultural credit given by the CREAI – Wallet of Agricultural and Industrial Credit, instituted in 1937 e, in lesser degree, of the CEP – Commission of Financing of the Production, established officially in 1943, that later contract and of the execution of the politics of prices would go to put in charge itself to it minimum.


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