Exact contribution burden in 2009 not foreseeable views the contribution decision of the statutory health insurance is voluntarily insured in the coming year as a handle in the purse occur: because they are disproportionately burdened by health-care reform and must expect more contributions by up to 25 percent. The contribution for voluntarily legally insured driven upwards by three factors:-the contribution rate is expected to rise to 15.6 percent the cheapest statutory health insurance is now at 13.3 percent. Ipso the maximum contribution of EUR 478 rises to nearly 562 euros a month”, so Manuela Kiechle, Member of the Board of the insurance of the insurance Chamber Bavaria (Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG, Union health insurance AG). -A statutory health insurance scheme may also levy an additional contribution of up to one percent of the contribution assessment ceiling starting in 2009, if she doesn’t come off with the funds from the health fund. For a taxable annual income of 50,000 euro, this means a monthly expense of nearly 36 euros (a percentage of 43,200 = 432,00 Euro/year = 36,00 euro / month).
-It can be even more expensive: because the legislature decides only in November about the amount of the contribution assessment ceiling for 2009. So the average contribution rate for statutory health insurance from 8.2% to 13.9% have risen since 1970 (+ 69%); in the same period the contribution assessment ceiling but of 614 euros to 3,600 euros has increased fivefold more than (+ 586%). Private pensions recommendation for voluntarily legally insured recommended: a change in the private health insurance. It provides high-quality medical services and offers predictable contributions which do not depend on the content”, so Manuela Kiechle. Voluntarily insured can terminate their legal protection in this year until September 30 and go to a private provider. There is more information about health-care reform on the Internet at. Graphic: The maximum contribution for voluntarily legally insured will rise sharply by the health-care reform.
In the best case, an insured person pays currently 478 EUR can be there almost 600 euros a month in the coming year. The group insurance Chamber Bavaria is the largest public insurers nationwide and is placed among the top ten of insurers. in 2007 reached 5.66 billion euros premiums the insurer of all divisions and about 6,500 employees. Every working day, the company pays its customers approximately EUR 17 million in insurance benefits. Every year more than 2.8 million insurance and performance cases processed, about 1,500 per work hour. With its regional operating companies, companies in Bavaria, the Palatinate, the Saarland, as well as in Berlin and Brandenburg operates; in the health insurance business along with the other public insurers nationwide.