Ney did not run away from questions. I remember to have insisted on Dry and Wet problems of it and the group with the censorship. It disclosed that he had the question of censorship to the customs, with the group censured in TVs, reduced presentations to the living creature to only show the faces of them, therefore the suits (for to be with little clothes) they could not be seen. But Ney also said in censorship politics, exemplificando that it had music that said: ' ' it has people with hunger, has people with hunger ' ' equally censured. In this context, it said not to have participated, for considering demagogy, of music Arrives of Hurt, with the Northeast movement Already, that it congregated names of our music, as Milton Birth, Chico Buarque, Gil, Caetano, Simone, Fagner, Djavan, Robert and Erasmo, the GAL, Bethnia, the Elba Ramalho, Mayan Tim, between as much others. It did not save you criticize to the first In Rock River, of which it participated, saying that the international attractions could everything for its performances and the national ones almost nothing they could.
gave example: ' ' It had group that it hoisted to palco bells of 2 tons and I, with about 50 kilos, I could not go down in a rocking, therefore it would attempt against against the security ' '. This has 25 years. That good for seeing Ney Matogrosso to arrive at the 70 years without having open right of its freedom of if expressing, contributing very for democratic advances that the majority of Brazilian us we enjoy today. Edson Silva, 49 years, journalist, Sumar edsonsilvajornalista@