ARONSON Symptoms

Bressan, (2000), affirms that depressive symptoms are very frequent in all the phases of the schizophrenia. is on to many negative aspects of the clinical outcome, including bigger taxes of fallen again, worse quality of life and suicide. To make the diagnosis of the schizophrenia, she is necessary to frequently investigate the depressive symptoms that are characteristic of depression in this illness. The accompaniment of the sick people needs to be rigorous, involving team to multidiscipline and the familiar ones. The therapeutical tactics must if based on the type of presented depression. Current studies indicate that the atypical antipsychotics can be a good therapeutical resource for patients who present depressive symptoms (BRESSAN, 2000).

Farmacolgico treatment Many patients who develop schizophrenia present personalities daily pay-morbidas normal, while others possess more reserved personalities, quiet and not sociable. In general, the treatment antipsychotic has satisfactory effect on the positive symptoms of of the acute schizophrenia, That is on the hallucinations, the deliriums and the riots of the thought (SMITH and ARONSON, 2004). The negative symptoms, such as apathy and emotional passivity, are less responsive to the treatment, even so the clozapina, the olanzapina and risperidona can be efficient. The acute phase of the schizophrenia is more responsive of what the chronic phase, however the therapy in long stated period with antipsocticos agents can help to prevent the returns and can exert some effect when preventing and delay the development of the serious chronic negative symptoms in some patients (SMITH and ARONSON, 2004). According to Rang, Dale and Ritter (2001) they exist a classification of the antipsychotic drugs, where the main drugs of clinical use are: Typical antipsychotics: former., clorpromazina, haloperidol, flufenazina, tioridazina, flupentixol, clopentixol; Atypical antipsychotics: former., clozapina, risperidona, sulpirida, olanzapina; ' ' The distenso between the groups ' ' typical and atpicos' ' it is based on the incidence of extrapiramidais collateral effect (lesser in the atypical group); in its effectiveness in the group of resistant patients to the treatment; its effectiveness against the negative symptoms.


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