During the last months, two net economic initiatives remembered old woman times to us, those that have returned recharged but at this point also temperings: one has been the tributary aid to the companies, to the great corporations, concealed under the Chile program Invests; the other, the return of the TLCs. The chancellor Alexander Foxley, who was prime minister of Property of the Agreement during the government of Aylwin, signed in March the deal with Japan and publicit as other ministers have done with the almost half hundred of treaties, agreements and agreements of commerce with different States, blocks and economies of the planet and. stratosphere. An obsessive activity and a speech that in 17 years has not contributed to which it does not export, that is more of the 95 percent of the enterprise universe of Chilito. Foxley, that was inspiring of the economic opening and the Free Trade Agreement with the United States towards beginnings of the last decade, today, with rather more than ten years of evident and unequal results insists on which the way is this one towards the development.
The present chancellor, who during his stage in Property repeated that in only ten Chile years so would be developed as Spain,Permtame JAJAJAJA .contina, now from this other position, pushing exactly the same policies. change of cabinet has reinforced the economic vision of the social activity: we go of the market economy to the market society. It is a new return of nut to the forced relation between the market, that is also the cession to private of the areas keys of the production and the services, and the citizen activities, of social consumers or, or we want as them to call. That is political, neoliberalism, a type of extreme philosophy. Towards end of March, minister Andres Velasco had an appointment fron-gives with it neoliberal-enterprise, during a forum to comment the negocitos of the year said There, after the change of cabinet, a phrase for the bronze transmitted by all the agencies of investments: an agile State power and facilitates the investment, that is almost equal to say the State is there for facilitating the investment of the private ones, or, also, that the good S-state the one that facilitates the businesses to him to the private ones. Two weeks back, Velasco had made agile them the businesses to these prevailing to to grant to them to two years of tributary vacations EXCHANGE.