
Do I have to pay extra money if the same translation can make an independent translator and not translation, that will significantly reduce costs? What if the information is necessary to understand a foreign language, but you simply do not you know? "Come in, translation agency, there to help" – one would say. "Wait, do not rush – was countered by another – simply find a translator, and he will do. Think, for the agency to pay rent, salaries to its staff employees (and cleaners too), buy equipment, pay their taxes. And all this is included in the order of translation. Do you want to pay extra money? Find someone who works on itself, not the agency. Additional information is available at Google.

" It would seem that even nothing in this objection, it is reasonable and reasoned arguments. BUT: are you sure that the translator has the appropriate education to perform the translation at the proper level? After all, not just to understand the language, it is necessary to know more, and culture, national characteristics and traditions of native speakers. We must be able to adequately and accurately transmit messages in different languages, so that sounded natural. All this seemingly little things (which, in principle, the difference important that the meaning was clear), but that's what creates a perfect translation, making it not only understandable but also very readable, and it will agree only to facilitate communication. What is needed, say, a translation from German. Not knowing a foreign language, you can not even check the quality of the translation, but it may be at the school level, 'rubber stamp' to accurately chosen words and phrases incorrectly constructed. But no self-respecting agency would not take the staff interpreter, not previously checked his competence and qualifications.

And another thing: when you have to quickly translate a text of 100 pages so? It is unlikely that someone will refuse extra money here and the translator will take up such Transfer, will sit on it day and night, and still can not make it in time. And even if it has time, the fast work is not conducive to quality improvement. There may be many errors due to inattention and fatigue.


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