Enrique Delgado

This will surely contribute to attract new customers and foster loyalty to the ancient, but not knowing collect worked, nothing serves have a strategy in the face of our clients if at the end we have clients not cater the requirements of provisions, not paid fees in time, or in the worst cases owed them for lifetime. To avoid these situations of non-payment of face to the firm, is vital to know how to handle the collection management through strategies and parameters well defined, in such a way that customer not present requirement provisions or payments as something altruistic or unimportant, but as a mandatory step to undertake a specific action that you can see and that can feel as performed. A simple example of the latter can be done through corporate custom sheets where the client accepting the assignment, accepts the indicative budget fixed by the lawyer in deadlines that must previously have been fixed by mutual agreement. When go you to demand the necessary funds, you can send corporate models of settlement fees accompanying resolution, contract, process or management that will be undertaken. In this way, the client won’t doubt that his lawyer is working on something specific and that if you don’t pay probably will be the customer that are not working well and it may not blaming his lawyer or require consideration any extra. Not is misguided and rather quite the opposite that in these troubled times of economic crisis, where many of our clients are going through economic difficulties, lawyers offer plans and pictures of fractionation of payments for the payment of fees to the firm. With this, some imagination and hard work and dedication, lawyers comprising small and medium firms may be approaching something more to the management model of the large collective firms where each process of face to the customer is studied carefully favoring that the perception of the client’s satisfaction is greater with these mechanisms. If then we managed to increase our turnover and our prestige better than best..


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