Autonomous and passive cash registers are typically used in small shops, markets and in the pavilions, where the flow is not very big. For example, for this type of cash registers are devices Samsung 4615 and Samsung 250 at no additional Boards PTAs. With regard to passive cash registers, this control-cash machines, which have all the opportunities to work in a full-fledged computer-cash register system, but there are no opportunities to manage the system. Such tickets can also be used as a stand-alone. To connect a device to a computer system need special interface boards, through which pass data between the ccm and the computer through a serial Protocol (RS-232 or RS-485). A check in this case will break just by using the keyboard cmc. Passive cash usually operate in two modes – off-line and on-line. In off-line all the goods and the settings are in the storage of cash apparatus. As for memory, it can be both an internal memory of the cmc, and memory in an external device.
In this case, the cashiers are working with cmc, carrying out registration of all sales for a particular code assigned to each item separately. Such a regime – the perfect solution for customers who do not need to provide detailed sales receipt and an immediate report on completed transactions. Also, this mode is often used in while visiting trade – this is very useful when you have remote sites with few funds. We now consider the mode of on-line, when between the ccm and the accounting system is the rapid exchange of data. In this mode, you can work with several cash registers with a single computer. Cashiers same as for the off-line, working only with keyboard and cash with a barcode scanner. What then is the difference between these two modes? The fact that all the information about goods Booking receives from the program, and all information about a sale immediately get into your program. In this mode, used to work all the companies with the influx of shoppers.