Amap Cycle

How much to the fertility, everything indicates not to have significant discords between the high fertile valley and the low one. This last one, however, suggests to require operations of draining, without which the works if in such a way become one difficult in function of the humidity excess. In igaps the situation is well different. The ground of this stretch is very acid and marshy. Its agricultural use for ends necessarily depends on dispendiosas operations of correction physics and chemistry, without which if she practically becomes impossible cultivates them. In the State of the Amap this pioneering formation called fertile valley field or subject to flooding fields is an environment wide distributed in the region, of on flvio-pluvial nature aluvial and submitted regimes to a complex system of draining. The subject to flooding fields understand the areas of the littoral band with 17.445 km2, equivalent 12.44% of the total area of the Amap. Aiming at to offer alternatives of culture to the marginal producer of the fertile valley areas of the state, the Embrapa Amap comes carrying through some studies involving, mainly, the cultures of short cycle. In a general way the species of short cycle have greaters possibilities of success of culture in the summer of what to the ones of long cycle, and reciprocal, these last ones offer to greaters advantages for the rainy station of what of short cycle. The cultivated species of long cycle at the beginning of the winter can be harvested no longer beginning of the summer and of short cycle, cultivated in this last period, will be able to still produce at the height of summer, what it facilitates the harvest, in both the cases.


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