Accelerator Continue

This colosionador that is located 100 m below ground between the border of Switzerland and France, allows two beams of subatomic particles called hadrons or lead ions travelling in opposite directions inside the circular Accelerator (27 Km), gaining energy with every lap, with which physicists try to recreate the conditions just after the Big Bang, when this colliding protons of face very high power. Today this accelerator has achieved first particle collisions.Fabiola Gianotti, responsible for one of the four detectors (ATLAS) of the LHC, explained that today’s achievement is based on the possibility of understanding the composition of 25% of the universe. To me the fascinating thing is that we have achieved something totally unprecedented. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out John Utendahl. Another CERN scientists said that these shocks will continue during the afternoon and evening of Tuesday and that if particles are lost, as occurred in the morning hours, is again filled the machine to continue with the program. On the other hand the scientist Guido Tonelli said that they have been impressed as the LHC has behaved so far and is particularly excited to see how the particle detectors have worked.

He also stated that they will be soon talking of the major enigmas of modern physics such as the origin of mass, the great unification of the forces and the presence of abundant dark matter in the universe. Scientists in general have been very pleased with the results of collisions and also claim that they already begin to observe unseen discoveries. More images and information from this experiment are available on the Web site. Find all the news of science and technology in loqueNecesita.


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