The Knowledge

(DURAND, Gilbert. The anthropological structures of the imaginary thing). In addition, it indicates that the understanding of the human phenomena occurs from the imaginary sets that constitute great images and its mythical narration is work of the mitoanlisis, which consists of the separation of the networks of images in a style or speech, and its mythical crystallization in gestures and figures. imaginary, it comes to be the set of images that constitutes the thought capital of the Homo Sapiens, is the great fundamental denominator where all the procedures of the human thought are placed. The myth is then, the matrix from which has arisen the different forms from language from the monk and the other classes of language; all rationalist and falsified speech by that is, uses residual mythical elements. But we needed myths well, we must rethink them in the light of the scientific discoveries and of the historical changes, because we lived a postmythical age, and its resolution concerns the man who without myths would not be man.

The myth constitutes the speech of the subjective, singular understanding and makes specific of a spirit who adheres to the world and he feels from the interior (EDGAR. The Knowledge of the Knowledge. Edit. Chair. Madrid, 1994. Pg.173), constitutes a story that chains a series of imaginary symbols or, or historical, or a mixture of both.

The myths do not deal with only the origin of the world, but of everything what provokes interrogation, the curiosity, the necessity, the aspiration, and have to do with the history of a community, a town, a nation. The liberating myths are of energy, governing impellers of the life and agents of the same (G. Bachelard). The myth is most universal of the faculties because it is unique that the universal analogy includes, the fundamental similarity that it exists in all the universe.


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