Sale Of Articles

If you want to know where you can earn by selling their own articles of this material tells you where and how you can earn on it. To date, in the modern Internet there are many different services that engaged in selling author of articles. The first service, which we will introduce in this article, called TextSale (Exchange articles). Service is available only with the author's unique articles. After placement of articles and buying all the rights transferred to the buyer, and the author may no longer distribute this material anywhere else. For non-unique articles apply fines. The service is accepting papers of various subjects: business, medicine, fashion, tourism, etc. Cost Article establishes the author himself.

Service also charges a fee of 10%. Payments are made through Webmoney, weekly, no minimum bid, we can derive any amount. I earn with this service in two ways: it is for sale articles written by you or taking orders for this article. Having been engaged in selling their own articles, you should remember a few rules … 1.Sledite the seasonal theme.

This means that in winter, most likely will not take the content of beach towels, bathing suits, etc. Many of those are season, take it. 2.Do not be greatly undercut due to the fact that not buying your paper. This may be due to seasonal, temporary cessation of demand, etc. Slowly lower the price, but not dramatically. 3.Sledite for "hot topics" that are bought with a bang, watch the volume of the article and the prices and try to adhere to a common framework. In general, keep statistics on stock exchanges. The following service on that's talk is "School of Life" () The rules are different from the above described service. For a published article by paying $ 1 and ending with a $ 10 all depends on your rank. In order to withdraw money from the account must overcome the barrier of $ 10. Subjects as diverse papers. In addition to the above mentioned services on the open spaces of our Internet sites are found willing to pay for an article more than $ 500. Well, the highest earnings you will receive if 'll be published in international journals in English. Earnings in an obscure American journal of approximately $ 1 per word. If you write an article about 1000 words, then for an article you can get $ 1000. Starting as a small can move higher and higher. And over time, With experience, you can work with many publishers. Earning decent money selling papers. If you need the article to order the draft "Principles of e-commerce on Rucommers you with this help.

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