Rondon Project

This model of organization creates enormous competitive advantages for the small agriculturists, as bigger and better structure of production, rise of the productivity, better commercial arrangements and the reduction of the production costs, providing to the diligent chances to remain in the agricultural environment and to conquer the economic and social development of its families (CAMARGO, 1960). This study, therefore, it aims at to inside demonstrate the importance of practical of the strategy of the cooperatives and the productive associations, identifying and comparing elements of the theories of the strategy, specifically developed for Porter (1986) and Mintzberg (1887), with the strategies used in the management of the COMIPAC – Cooperative Mixing of the Agriculture and Familiar Production of Curionpolis. This work was carried through during the Rondon Project, by means of Operation Carajs 2011, in the city of Curionpolis? Par, during the actions of composed team for pupils of the institutions of education UNIVALI (Santa Catarina) and University FUMEC (Minas Gerais). The actions had occurred in the period of twelve days, in which the colleges student had carried through social actions in diverse areas of study. of the COMIPAC, being that the content analysis was used to compare the concepts of the manager of the COMIPAC with the referenciados theoretical concepts. 2 Theoretical Referencial 2,1 Project Rondon and Curionpolis the Rondon Project is a program of university extension that it aims at to narrow the social relations of our country? continental. When considering to the university students, in partnership with public institutions as: Federative ministry of the Defense, Armed Forces, States and Municipal City halls, to be next to the reality of the country, thus creating, the chance of interaction between complementary objectives (MINISTRY OF the DEFENSE). The action of project occurred in Curionpolis, northeast city of Par with 17.944 inhabitants, has a territorial area of 2.368, 70 m, is part of bioma of the Amaznia (IBGE).


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