Purity-oriented Logistics Concepts For Maximum Product Quality

When there is talk of cleaner production think many exclusively to production and Assembly. But often impurities occur already in logistics. Success factor cleanliness already can degrade the process quality in the company negatively due to small particle pollution. The higher the degree of contamination, the more effort has to be operated. Can not solve the problem in the course of the process chain, has far-reaching consequences. In the best case, the contamination during a quality control is discovered. A high reject rate is the least evil.

It is far more serious, if impurities such as inclusions in components are not detected and installed as production components in the vehicle. Through the combination of several factors the function of the contaminated products can subside only after a certain period of time, what is required in the worst case expensive recalls. Only a clean production can ensure process reliability. No matter at which point the process chain contamination arises and where she is discovered, she seems on the company’s profit from. Dirt does not emerge, so is the motto. Knowledge where the dirt is to identify the causes and to verify clearly is often not easy. Possible sources of error are too diverse and it may well be that pollution caused by the combination of several factors. Often seen the “forest for the trees not”, says Rene Kuhne, ‘but with time you learn where lurk in the logistics everywhere Dirt Devil”.

The sources can come from contamination from the environment. However, particles on the packaged goods can enter through contaminated packaging. If the Pack is not fixed particles on the packaging and in the packaged goods can cause abrasion. Also component corrosion can potentially play a role. The clean quality of a fully assembled product is determined by the interplay of many factors in the process chain. Just the unusual, unexpected and therefore unnoticed dirt sources represent the highest cost risks. Here there is one watchful eye with lots of experience and process knowledge. Simple measures with maximum effect to produce quality and yield economic point of view, it is to assess that eliminates expensive cleaning systems. The dreaded error due to particle pollution can be avoided with the most simple methods. They have to be not even expensive. You just need to know where exactly the causes are found. The causes are clearly recognized, the meaningfulness of any measures should be assessed as the next step. Not everything is also a real benefit. A genre in the wake of cleanliness can be expensive and probably not even brings the desired result. To act sensibly, it is necessary to obtain an overview about causes of Verschmutzng and effect of optimization measures. Not infrequently, dirt particles are deported over surfaces or staff. Operational measures such as raising awareness of employees for the topic or the cleaning of packaging often already sufficient to Cleanliness quality to improve significantly.

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