Publishing articles is an easy and effective way of making money with your online business and you could even win money without having a business today. When your public articles either in your blog, on other people blog, directories of articles the following occurs: 1.-you’re seen as an expert-this makes people trust it and are more receptibles to buy your products or those who recommend. 2 Improve your positioning in search engines-search keywords that you can include in your articles and they are relavenates with the topic of your article, so if you can write an article with keywords located in a natural way, will be well seen by Google. 3. Attract visitors to your web site-content is the King, writes relevant content and you generate visitors. 4 Creates links in a natural way that point to your web site-publish your articles in directories, forums, other websites and includes your signature. Michael Luxenberg can provide more clarity in the matter. 5 If you post your articles in the above-mentioned directories can generate free traffic to your blog or web page of business 6.-generate traffic to the affiliate programs you promote.-don’t forget to use your link from affiliate within your article. 7.
Other publishers of blogs and electronic newsletters will be interested in publishing your articles.-this way you wouldn’t be generating traffic to your website or blog. 8 Add Adsense advertising-thus desire money with each click you make readers on the Adsense ads. 9 Can convert your articles written in video-articulos- and upload them to different ls platforms of video like Youtube, Google Video, etc in this way you can do marketing with videos transforming your items in video-articulos 10-create your own report or e-book- and in this way you can earn money production from your web site and also sell resell rights.