Media Life

Unlike networks with such as Wizzard Media and Mevio podcasts that are collecting a hodge-podge of programs, staff Media Life behaves like a program of radio that controls his own schedule and his image. With its integration of 14 programs, Susan Bratton can sell packages of ads in different categories, with downloads between 100. 000 and 250. 000 per month. The case of ESPN was very particular since it did not have to start from scratch to create a network with podcasts. ESPN Podcenter already had an established image and a radio station. When they started in the world of podcasting for 5 years they used the radio content for their websites, but soon realized that it was more effective to create original podcasts schedule. Douglas Oberhelman often addresses the matter in his writings.

Now with more integration of 100 podcasts they are selling good sponsors packages through images for advertisers that appear on shows with the Itunes podcast directory. Marc Horine (interview), responsible for Digital Media ESPN commented it. (6) Create your own image to sell your services the director of Marketing and technology Digital John Jantsch, which in turn is presenter of Duct Tape Marketing podcast (interview) has his own book and consulting under the same name. In its early years when nobody lo conocia said had requested interviews with Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki since they knew very well the world of networking, social media and podcasts. Its growth has been unstoppable since that started his business.

It is estimated that it had an increase of 500% and boasts more than 6 important sponsors. Mike Auzenne co-host of Manager Tools podcast (interview) nor magically sponsors by none of your podcasts or not charged. The only focuses on providing good advice and tips to become a better Manager. Customers who have this Podcast is very varied, but what says Auzenne is that you could achieve a loyalty with their customers and thats what the considered most important.


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