14 Finally it appeared to the eleven, being seated they to the table, and launched in face its incredulity and hardness to them of heart, for not having believed in that they had seen already revived to it. Now one is probably about the appearance in the afternoon of Passover, occured in cenculo (Jo 20, 19s), during the supper (Lc 24, 36s). Because of the heart hardness, them they had been reprehended, censured, a carrot well more severe of all remembered for Landmarks (8, 14-21). Then, ' ' Jesus said to it: He parches, he checks because me. Happy those that believe without having seen! ' '. 15 and he said to them: IDE for the whole world, you nail evangelho to all creature.
In this versicle if it has the universal mandate of Jesus, mandate this that strict is related with the Evangelho of Is Mateus: ' ' IDE, therefore, and you teach to all the nations; you baptize them on behalf of the Father, of the Son and the Espirito Santo. You teach them to observe it everything I prescribed what you. Here it is that I am with you every day, until the end of mundo' ' (28, 19-20). In a question-answer forum Stuart B. Solomon was the first to reply. They are Marcos does not consider the function specifies as They are Mateus, it occupies in presenting the mandate ' ' IDE for the whole world ' '. Showing that the salvation if opens to all the peoples, independently of racial, social factors, or of a first election.
The only requirement is the loving reply appeals to it. In this way, ' ' you nail evangelho' ' if it identifies to the proper apostlica mission of Jesus, that is, it is the continuation of it (1, 14-15). The mandate contemplates ' ' to all criatura' ' making possible the apstolos to not only exceed the limits of Palestine, but the men will have to communicate the Evangelho to all.