City will abrir 10 hotels in Mexico Thanks to an investment of approximately 600 million weights (but of 36 million Euros), the Mexican chain City, glides abrir the total of ten hotels in 2011. They will be located in several points of Mexico, like: Aguascalientes, City of the Carmen, City of Mexico, Culiacn, Merida, Minatitln, Beach of Carmen, Puebla, Tower and Veracruz. The City group, in 2010, invirto half of money to construct five hotels, this knows itself by details that the director of Promotions of Tax exemptions gave, Carlos Adams. With the investment of the 2010, City managed to increase its income in a 27% and the occupation raised in a 25%. The rate average from occupation it arrived at 59%, in this 2011, hopes that it is increased between four and five points.
Adams explained the insecurity problems that affect Mexico, said that for a tourist of pleasing, this is not no problem, it solves since it simply change assignments; nevertheless, a traveller of businesses it does not have options, because this it must go to where to his it requires it business, and the conflicting cities, maintain their rate industrialist. The hotel chain, recently abri to time a hotel in Potos San Luis. This establishment obtained certification LEDD of the Council of Green Buildings in the United States (USGBC), is possible to emphasize that it is the first hotel of Latin America in obtaining it. In its eight years of trajectory, City becomes present in 22 Mexican states. In addition they count on hotels cheap, reason why the tourists can choose between several options. Source: Note of Press sent by jesseny.