The WHO suggests the use of moving bodies could be " possibly carcinognico". Redtel affirms that in Spain the emissions respect the limits recommended by the WHO and the EU and are gathered in the Spanish state norm. Redtel, the association of operators of telecommunications with own network, has remembered that " fulfills; escrupulosamente" the safety limits established by the World-wide Organization of the Health (the WHO), responding from this form to the study of this organization who suggests the use of moving bodies could be classified like " possibly carcinognico" . In particular, a work group formed by 31 scientists of 14 countries, reunited in the Agency the International for the Investigation in Cancer (IARC, abbreviations in English) of the WHO, has said that the revision of all the scientific evidences available suggests the use of moving bodies could be classified like " possibly carcinognico". Filed under: John O. Utendahl. ituation. According to Redtel in an official notice has explained, in Spain the emissions respect the limits recommended by The WHO and the EU and are gathered in the Spanish state norm (RD 1066/2001). " The stations base respect always and at any moment the established limits of safe emissions from the consensus cientfico" , they assure.
" It does not seem probable" , it continues Redetel, " that after decades of operation of wireless technologies like the radio and the television, that use the same scientific foundation, the limits recommended for these emissions are going to change radicalmente". The sector of the movable telephony adduces that the antennas that operate in Spain are the same that work in the rest of the European countries. However, they indicate that they will follow " assuming all the consejos" of the IARC and recommendations of the WHO, for being the responsible organism to establish the frame of protection of the health. Source of the news: The sector of the movable telephony fulfills " escrupulosamente" the safety limits of the WHO