risches in Drolshagen first co-hosts at the German training day 2012 Drolshagen, June 9, 2012 – the German training day is a nationwide day of action and takes place this year on September 21, 2012. For the first time rische’s seminar & business center in Drolshagen with organizers and offers a full-time day of action on the subject of education & business “. With lectures, workshops and lessons organiser Silke Rische on the importance of training would draw attention: for the society, companies and individuals. The action day aims to raise the public’s perception of how much the innovation and sustainability of our society depends on skills and qualifications of the people,”Silke Rische says your idea to the day of action in the areas of the seminar and business centre in Drolshagen. Education and knowledge are the key to meet the growing challenges in the field of personal and professional. With our day of action, we would one day free of charge “Training offer and want make to lifelong learning.” The program at rische’s begins at 8:30 with a business breakfast and opportunity for networking and getting to know the seminar centre.
At 10: 00 and 11: 00 business English start under the leadership of Silke Rische taster hours”for beginners and intermediates. “From 15.00 16.30 takes place in the event kitchen of the workshop BrainFood: education appetizers for’s brain” instead. Food for brain that actually exists. Certain foods help in learning in different ways. Our brain works better if it is optimally cared for. That creates conditions for optimum learning success. Are there foods that make more intelligent? It makes sense to pay attention because of the thinking on the diet? Melanie Heuel (contact) is a cook with a passion, nutritionist and many years of experience as a cooking teacher. You inaugurates the visitors into the secrets of the brain food.
Welcome to cooking! The regional forum of the Germans of Drolshagen Society for suggestopadisches teaching and learning (DGSL e.V.) will meet from 17: 00 18:30. The meeting is a platform for teachers, coaches, and teachers and provides opportunity to discuss brain-friendly, creative teaching and learning. Director: Silke Rische. In the evening, the visitors expected at 19:30 the people need lecture visions”with Dr. Birgit Ebbert (Hagen). “People need visions”, that easy to say. But why do they need visions? Many people live not quite good, without having to worry about where they should lead their lives? This lecture is a plea for it to remember – in everyday life, at work, in school and policy visions. Participants can look forward to an informative and entertaining lecture. Dr. Birgit Ebbert studied also psychology in addition to education. As degree education, she leads several learning center and writes advice for parents in different areas. Rische’s are looking forward to many thirst and thirst visitors and visitors. Admission to all activities is free! It is however requested prior notification (via email or by phone 0 27 61 / 94 12 80), because the places are limited. More information on Silke Rische