Curricular References

In contrast, the school must critically point out the impact, the utility and the value of these advances, and this is only possible knowing them. Endeusa them as solution for all the problems, as they make many or, with the critical one, to deny its universalizao in the modern world, do not fit the school. To this the paper would fit to all place the pupil in contact with the knowledge that the new technologies involve its potentialities and the limits of its use. It is fact that if cannot more be unaware of, or to disrespect the new technologies. Being thus, would not be the resistance they part of the inertial movement that inhibits the innovation and the changes in the school? The definition on the papers of the school and the professor is always a delicate and pertinent question. It has the ones that consider that these papers are invariant independent of the context, and the ones that costumam to defend the revision of the papers in function of the conditions where the educative process happens.

One another aspect was that the implantation of the new LDB brought cultural conflicts in relation to the change in the concept of ability. According to Curricular References of professionalizing education, ability was conceived as attribution of responsibilities of each function, and these are defined by the demands of the work market. 7 Exactly being questionable, the adoption of this conception of ability would have to imply in a change in relation to the evaluation of the pupils. Instead of if having as parameter the minimum content, that only involves cognitivas abilities, would have to be considered a standard of minimum performance that it understands the acquisition of abilities and attitudes, beyond the knowledge. As consequncia it had a magnifying of what it had to be worked and to be considered, demanding that each school defined a proposal pedagogical, abilities that would go to develop its conception of ethics (and the coherent attitudes with it), etc.


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