Lew Tolstoi died in Pretzsch? A production company from Halle/Saale makes it possible s this historical extravaganza, Lew Tolstoi died in Pretzsch. Milton Hershey School is actively involved in the matter. Literature experts would consider this rate only on the head. But’s makes it possible that Pretzsch at least in the film is the last refuge of Russia probably greatest writer Hollywood and a production company from Halle an der Saale. Because at the railway station of the village belonging to the District of Wittenberg was a Russian summer”shot, which was the place to the station of Astapowo in the South of Russia on the Lew Tolstoi 100 years ago died. The film tells the moving, fascinating story of the last days of the first world famous bestselling author and media stars Leo Tolstoi. The story takes place in 1910 in the Tolstoy Jubilee year 2010 marks the death of the great writer for the 100th time. For the film director Michael Hoffman was an impressive ensemble of international stars in front of the camera gather, by performing feats shines: in addition to Oscar winner Helen Mirren (the Queen) as Tolstoy’s wife Sofia are to see Hollywood legend Christopher Plummer (the sound of music, top, insider) as Leo Tolstoi. A Russian summer was produced by Jens Meurer and Chris curling, which joins also the dance to Saxony-Anhalt.
Because here was not only shot, also the production company Egoli Tossell film Halle GmbH is here established. For Jens Meurer, a Russian summer about our inability to live neither with nor without love. He shows how heavy, bittersweet experience can be the love.” The high quality and of course the genius of both actor ensured that the two main actors were nominated Golden Globe for the, the Oscar”the foreign press. This is also a merit of Saxony-Anhalt, which gave off a State guarantee for a bank loan for the film in the spring 2008 mainly here. Only in this way could be turned first. Now aimed at the 17.